Residential & Commercial

Framing Services & Material Contracting in Kalispell & Flathead Valley, MT

Our company carries 4 generations of framing knowledge. Every step in framing a structure has many ways it can be done, most strategies work, but there is a "most efficient" way to do everything, and we have the recipe! All strategies combined create a system that outputs a very fast production rate while still holding quality where it matters, tight, straight, plumb, flush, level, square.

We also offer turn-key bids. Most other trades cover supplies, material takeoff, and deal with scheduling. We are here to offer the same service.

CALL FOR ESTIMATES: (406) 909-0151


Commercial & residential builders construction framing & carpentry services | Flathead Valley Kalispell MT

Commercial & residential builders construction framing & carpentry services | Flathead Valley Kalispell MT

Commercial & Residential Framing

We specialize in commercial, residential, and structural steel. With our proprietary framing system and expert team Seven can raise structures fast and efficiently, assuring that your project stays on time and in budget.

Commercial & residential builders construction turnkey contract framing & carpentry services | Flathead Valley Kalispell MT

Commercial & residential builders turnkey contract framing & carpentry services | Flathead Valley Kalispell MT

Lumber & Material Contracting

Our turn-key material contracting provides a smooth project timeline, eases costs & assures quality materials.

Seven Structures | Kalispell & the Flathead Valley Framers Carpentry Construction


A collection of some of our past projects.

Seven Structures - Building Construction Carpertry & Framing Services Kalispell MT Flathead Valley
Seven Structures - Building Construction Carpertry & Framing Services Kalispell MT Flathead Valley
Seven Structures - Building Construction Carpertry & Framing Services Kalispell MT Flathead Valley
Seven Structures - Building Construction Carpertry & Framing Services Kalispell MT Flathead Valley